1. Listen 2. Speak 3. Read 4. Observe and interpret body language.
    From Interview warmup by google:

Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?
Yep, so, my name is James. I’m on 40 concert student at the University of Auckland. So I’m studying in my final year. So I’m doing some honest project as well as a lot of extra curriculum stuff such as my club and product directed overseeing all the 7th or junk. We haven’t right now, and I’m to do more self report back to the students in the future, and I’m looking for currently looking for some practise and talking to other people for now and thanks for listening.

What are you looking for in your next job?
So I’m currently looking for a junior developer. Also, it would be mostly some sulphur department as awesome or product management the colour of every year so it’ll be mainly on the full stack development roll and my my idea is to probably stop on the back and look at those data logic and then go into the fountain Park which let me learn more on the US fart and still be making a more complete software developer. And after that I’ll be probably more looking into some management which will be much better to me to practise my leadership role which out other thing of a nice one and I’ll be all my answer for this question looking for entry-level sober driver Road.

How would you describe your working style?
So my watch install is pretty Elsa flexible so I can adapt to almost all the solution if if for example at the start at the assessor projector for me to Russian, I’ll be a problem or into the canova midnight night all that kind of stuff. So smart as possible because that’s why we were burning but if there’s just a normal Coburg and we have some plans for the project. They’ll probably most likely to stick to this product product lines and meanwhile improve the plans for so I will look into the past to see what kind of things I didn’t go on the working style and improve the future or working style and I’ll be probably more into People working style talking with people as well as working on my individual and yeah, I’ll be my answer.

Please tell me about some of your strengths and weaknesses.
So my biggest strengths will be a person so or whatever is on the work or whatever whatever codes that happens. I would not change my dear. I will most likely try to communicate with others to solve the problem rather than to stick on this kind of problems for ages and at the end it was not working in terms of weaknesses. I’ll be definitely on the imagine park. So for me or I’m a student right now, but for some reason I have to go to Matt responsibilities because I wanna do more and Improvement. I mean call myself, right? So I’m currently having our apartment job as a support on student. I having a club executive I having another Another lid off another club and also another club executive or all those 5 attack was fine. But the time goes I found out it just little bit hard with manage because all the other things including my family is my life my social life and are talking with fries. It just a little bit hard to balance all those 5 things to fit into my life. So I was trying to think of a way to money to stuff on your bed as well as trying to simplify the whole process rather die having this and destroy their have another Road over there. So they’ll be my biggest weakness.

Tell me about a time you made a mistake. How did you communicate that mistake?
Yeah, I’m so the mistake. I’ll say mistake Ruby that can I like friendly Lionel so sometimes if so, I’ll give you example of a project and another per actual life is relaxation. So I was talking with my parents or my girlfriend. Sometimes I try to hide something because that’s my point of view. That’s probably know something that they should know or at least know at the moment. So ill probably use some other languages use other Wars 2. Hi this truth, but the thing is later on if this find out that’s going to be even worse than just telling the truth. So what I thought process on how I communicate about a mistake, it’s just talk with them like to truthfully Don’t try to hide anything because if you hide something and lie something you had to lie other things or to the things your Line Rider just gonna start here but psycho and that’s not not not really good psycho to have in your life and that’s gonna affect your works now and they seem going to affect yourself or just the worst case you would have so for me personally. I made a lot of those. Can I mistake by Candlelight of your voice singing I got this and this but it’s not the only thing is I can do it now as trying to finish up everything rather than try to keep hiding. So just tell them all. Sorry. I didn’t do those stuff and from now on his my plan actually action rather than just tell me stuff.

Take 2

What are you looking for in your next job?
Ok. So what are we looking for for my next job? Will my.com experience is literally just student who got internship before and has some react-native skills. So for my next door and next job at different looking into more on the on the front inside as well as so full stack, but full stack developer. Oh, so we’re more likely to be a junior software developer roll who work on at the existing project or or or new project in this your company and my real go is to differently improve my coding skills from all those coding standards and all the Skoda NZ stuff. How old are different kinds of code that heiko on this specific product out walking in my next job, and I found is really important for me to talk with those different people and had to learn as much as possible from the sinner developers and as well as for my peers or if there’s a bomb appears as source my teammates, so what I’m really looking for is the poster technical experience as well as the non technical experience for my next door, and I’ll be my answer. Thanks for listening.

Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?
Hello, so I’m a fourth year computer science student at the University of Auckland studying Bachelor of the one science and that’s in my final year. So right now I’m working on my own Oscar drag or which is about expressive chat bold and Wilder go some department and other than my universe also Club executive the project director at a white granica Sailing Club Millie in charge of or all of our 8 soccer projects that about delivering to all of our students and as was talking with the some potential clients that could possibly former product in the future. And other than that, I’m also kayaking are all the software development, especially the phone because I find it really really interests me on those visualisations and all the animation Park. Silent love love to learn as much as possible on the Skoda inside as well as see how other people actually I learn see how other people actually communicate with each other and try to adapt or chatted learn as much as possible from them. So they’ll be my answer. Thanks for listening.

Tell me about a time when you had to develop a new skill. How did you approach the learning process?
So I will give you experience of my internship at the group. So at work their ass at digital engineer intern and the project is mainly about the building services. So where you saw a softer than ever used before call called Orthodox ribbit and my lowest to developer extension on the river software. So I have zero experience with that software. I have some experience with hole to develop that software. So my initial approach is to definitely see if there’s any people that can help me in the team or in the company because that’s a lot company and there’s a lot of really talented people and luckily I found the person who sells senior bim engineer that is working on those kinds of extensions. So I keep asking him about how to act Start extension. How’s work? I’m glad and later on. I cannot pick up things on my own and I can actually provider a Prado complete code to develop the river at on which I found really interesting because solo algorithm inside Embassy shop tonight, which I never used before in the station and I’ll be my prosci. So first of all, the people who know that and try to improve myself under as much as possible them. I’m wondering what happened there for the snowman that can help the this always Google that I can help me on the candle burner process.

Describe a situation when you disagreed with someone at work. What did you do, and what was the result?
Ok, so I’ll be Carol from the previous answer. So it’s for my Rivet. I don’t that I was working in on my internship internship. So also time when or trying to achieve some of the functionalities and there’s two ways to do a one is a virus in Hobart that I’ll say around 50 to 60% of the job and other than I could be manually down and there’s another another approach that about that. I’ll get them that it’s hard but it’s 80% of the work so and a time I was disgusting discussing that was like my buddy just to figure out which way that feed us the most and initial experience with a river. Mr. Simple algorithm that I could do in wake that could finish some time in a 60% of work. So that’s really great and investigate much time into the difficult algorithm because all the things are the functionality to achieve so that was the situation and discussion was to try to figure out if that’s actually feasible how much time it will cost to implement the later on after discussion at then just try to implemented. I see how hard it is and the result is really hard. Yes quite hard. So we kind of go into the middle way which is so 4:30 drop them, but still be the simple over them so we decided to keep

Please share a time when you set a goal for yourself and achieved it. How did you go about that?
Well, that’s a lot of time start. I said I go for myself, but I didn’t achieve that or 1 things to write a Blog so I had this blog that started out around 3 weeks ago. I’m still keep right to keep riding on a daily basis and that includes almost everything that happened or that is supporting the happened on the day and I try to have taken a reflection on my blog which I find it really useful to look back into. So one thing I was I was trying to achieve us a call is too deadly set up the block write a hey then I tried to see how hard it is to ride it from scratch. It is very hard. So I didn’t go to another approach which is all like a Blog generator.org.au so-called jamstack jamstack my size. Are you sore edging call axle with generous static bag size for me so I can just read markdown and there were generated image came out so I can drop a little bit up our pages and I just did that and try to some of the things which has finally interesting and and it just to keep updating stuff on the block. So that’s all my goes to the blog and I shifted which I will most likely keep going keep recording myself in the dog if your interest check out this but sad and I’ll be my answer.